Yo, listen up, I’ve got something to say
About legal rights that you need to obey
From maritime law to emergency lighting
And short-term jobs that are oh so enticing

Advance Decision to Refuse TreatmentLink
Paris Agreement 2015 CitationLink
Audio Lectures Law PhilippinesLink
Sheldon Contract OrthodontistLink
CPTPP Legal TextLink
Requirements for FishingLink

Whether you’re into fishing or studying law
It’s crucial to know the rules and not be in awe
Of the legal requirements that you must follow
To avoid any trouble and not end up feeling hollow

So if you’re looking for a job in Dubai
Or need to understand maritime law in a jiffy
Look no further, I’ve got the links you need
To stay legal and informed, with lightning speed

Now that you’ve read this rap about legal rights
Remember to stay informed and avoid the fights
Follow the rules, know your rights, and be in the know
With these legal insights, you’re good to go!

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